Scuola dell'Infanzia
Scuola Infanzia Rossello
Progetti Didattici in Lingua Inglese
per la Scuola Primaria

At Scuola Rossello we highly value innovation and children’s needs and well-being are our top priority. Our students learn English in a multi-sensory learning context through an active learning process, with a tailor-made approach implemented through modern teaching and learning methods.

Certifications – Scuola Primaria
CAMBRIDGE YLE CERTIFICATIONS (Starters, Movers, Flyers) The educational value of using stories and the technique of storytelling have always been undisputed. Children are considered natural language learners. According to the natural approach, they can learn faster and with much less difficulty than adults. At Scuola Rossello, teaching English is focused on the children and on [...]
Culture And Traditions – Scuola Primaria
Culture And Traditions Nowdays the need to understand cultural differences and traditions becomes crucial. As such, it should become an essential part of any classroom, in the hope to see a future of tolerance and appreciation of those with different life experiences and different cultures than ourselves. At Scuola Rossello we make the most of [...]
Clil – Scuola Primaria
Clil - Content And Language Integrated Learning Lessons The wide-ranging advantages of cross-curricular bilingual teaching have been widely recognized. The benefits of a CLIL lesson may be seen in terms of cultural awareness, internationalization, language competence, preparation for both study and working life, and increased motivation. Our CLIL lessons are designed as an English integrated [...]
Story Telling – Scuola Primaria
The educational value of using stories and the technique of storytelling have always been undisputed. Children are considered natural language learners. According to the natural approach, they can learn faster and with much less difficulty than adults. At Scuola Rossello, teaching English is focused on the children and on the development of their communicative skills, [...]
Summer Camp – Scuola Primaria
At Scuola Rossello we combine learning English with fun, engaging and entertaining activities. During the month of June, we offer holiday English Camps to children aged 5 to 12 years old. Our English Summer Camp allows children to develop their confidence whilst acquiring and strengthening fundamental skills like vocabulary, conversation and grammar.
English Theatre – Scuola Primaria
At Scuola Rossello we use drama activities to develop language skills. Drama activities allow teachers to put language in a meaningful context. For example, if you are teaching narrative tenses, you can set a scene where the learner is a character who must tell a story to another character.

Certificazioni Cambridge University Yle Starters – Movers Exams Con Madrelingua
CERTIFICAZIONI CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY YLE STARTERS – MOVERS EXAMS CON MADRELINGUA Corsi propedeutici alle certificazioni Cambridge University YLE Starters – Movers in orario curricolare per le classi terza, quarta e quinta a cura dell’insegnante madrelingua.
Primary Colors – 1^ class – art and craft
Discovering primary colors! Here are our paintings!
Paul Klee – 2^ class – art and craft
Painting with shapes: a new artist became our friend, Paul Klee!
Planting Time! – 2^class – Clil Science
Planting Time! Let’s sow our lentils Looking forward to seeing their growth
Ancient Greece ‘s Projects – 5^class – Clil History
Going beyond learning. The power of “learning by doing” and using “direct experience” in the educational process. Transforming conventional classrooms into deeper learning communities. If education needs to prepare students for lifelong learning, here at Scuola Rossello we aim at a deeper learning. Our Clil Lessons are a bridge across cultures and our brilliant students […]
My Artist’s head – 1^class – art and craft
We read a beautiful book: “The Artist”; after we want to answer at this question: what is an Artist? The Artist’s head is full. Full of colors, full of feeling, full of dreams. Every kid is an Artist, so everyone paint own Artist’s Head! Abbiamo letto il libro “The Artist” di Ed Vere per […]
The life cycle of a bean plant – 2^class – Clil Science
Experiment: growing beans in baggies. How to grow a bean seed in a window baggie in the school. Let’s learn the life cycle of a bean plant!
Five senses, sensory laboratory – Touch – 1^class – Clil Science
Sensory activities are great fun and allow children to have experiences using their senses. Let’s remember that children, especially very young ones, use their senses to discover the world. A fun activity using simple cardboard and seeds, which can be presented in various ways. Nuovo laboratorio per ampliare il vocabolario dei bambini , divertimento e […]
Leaves – 2^class – Clil Science
Today the second grade children had a workshop. They observed the leaves : shape, margin… They learn by doing! Oggi i bambini della classe seconda hanno fatto un laboratorio sulle foglie, osservandone la forma, i margini e le diverse parti. Protagonisti del loro apprendimento!
Complementary colors -2^class – art and craft
I bambini della classe seconda, nostri piccoli artisti, hanno esposto i loro nuovi lavori: i loro nomi! Differenti colori grazie alla ruota dei colori per trovare nuove armonie, giocando con i colori complementari! Our little artists exhibited their works: their name! Different colors and the color wheel to find color harmonies by using the rules […]
Mondrian and Primary colors – art and craft
I nostri studenti della classe prima hanno conosciuto il loro primo artista: Mondrian! Dopo aver osservato i suoi quadri, hanno dipinto secondo il suo stile, giocando con i colori primari, il bianco e il nero. Our students knew a new artist : Piet Mondrian. He paints with geometric shapes, lines and primary colors with […]
Laboratory five senses: taste – Clil science
Today the first grade children had a very fan workshop. They tasted different food : salty, sweet, bitter and sour. Their expressions surprised and amused say it all! They learn by doing! Oggi i bambini della classe prima hanno fatto un laboratorio molto divertente sul gusto. Hanno provato cibi diversi e loro espressioni sorprese dicono […]
CLIL Dalla prima alla quinta un’ora di CLIL nell’orario curriculare, con approfondimenti nelle materie di storia, scienze, geografia e arte a cura dell’insegnante specialista e in compresenza dell’insegnante prevalente.
Autumn art and craft
The autumn in coming with its wonderful colors, and our students learn by doing! They paint… autumn fruits They cut, use awl and paste They color trees, curl the strips of paper… and create wonderful works and take inspiration to make new works….