The life cycle of a bean plant – 2^class – Clil Science
Experiment: growing beans in baggies. How to grow a bean seed in a window baggie in the school. Letâ...
Five senses, sensory laboratory – Touch – 1^class – Clil Science
Sensory activities are great fun and allow children to have experiences using their senses. Let̵...
Leaves – 2^class – Clil Science
Today the second grade children had a workshop. They observed the leaves : shape, margin… Th...
Complementary colors -2^class – art and craft
I bambini della classe seconda, nostri piccoli artisti, hanno esposto i loro nuovi lavori:Â i loro ...
Mondrian and Primary colors – art and craft
I nostri studenti della classe prima hanno conosciuto il loro primo artista: Mondrian! Dopo aver oss...
Laboratory five senses: taste – Clil science
Today the first grade children had a very fan workshop. They tasted different food : salty, sweet, b...
Trick or treat?
L’autunno è un periodo ricco di occasioni per stare insieme e come ogni anno, durante le En...